Did You Know?

Find the account that works best for your needs.

  • Everyday accounts
  • Savings and investing
  • Borrowing
  • Investing

The less time you spend in a bank, the more time you have for yourself. Choose from a variety of easy and secure ways to manage your money.

Trusted by businesses across the continent, the UK, and the UAE. Access our expertise at home and abroad..


Build your savings with us

Platinum Savings

Access to our highest savings account rates

Kids Savings

A good way to start your children to financial success

Citizensunioncredit CDs

Provide a guaranteed return, even during uncertain times


We offer many checking accounts

Clear Access Bankingâ„ 

An account that helps you spend only what you have in it

Everyday Checking

Our most popular account for day to day activities

Student/teen banking

Account options ideal for teens and students

Prime Checking

Many discounts and benefits are included with this interest-bearing account

Premier Checking

An interest-bearing account with our premier level of relationship banking benefits

Need to open a Current Or savings Account?

We will guide you on the steps to create a current or savings account. Its fast and easy!